Lisa Garmon’s trailblazing book invites us to actively imagine and co-create—with Spirit—a world where our climate is stable and our earth calm. You will be inspired, nourished, and immensely cheered by Garmon’s bold, brave, and wise-hearted solutions.
A Life-Changing
Book by
Lisa Garmon
Stabilizing Our Climate
& Calming Our Earth
Imagine alleviating human and wildlife suffering by keeping our astonishingly beautiful planet green!!
Lisa Garmon's primary goal is for everywhere on our planet to have PERFECT CLIMATE—a healthy climate, a stable climate, an anticipated climate.
You must keep your focus on
PERFECT CLIMATE everywhere!!!

Imagine the bright lime green growing edges of our evergreen trees. Imagine our 100 year old trees flourishing—standing tall and strong. Imagine lovely gardens in bloom.
Imagine green meadows and green farmland. Imagine rivers flowing full everywhere in the world: the Thames, the Danube, the Po, the Nile, the Mississippi, the Amazon... Whatever in Nature you love, imagine it THRIVING!!! This is what we deeply desire for our beautiful green planet.
Climate Change is real: in fact, it is a crisis.
Intervention is required.
Lisa Garmon works with a support team, her Vortex of Love—individuals with increased awareness who meditate, pray, and express unconditional love daily. They hold strong magnetic intentions and use the immense power of their imaginations while connecting to Spirit/Infinite Intelligence to reach goals. They are doing it now!
All of LIFE and creation is organizing around Lisa Garmon's success!! Lisa and her Vortex of Love are currently working on the following intentions:
Taking DOMINION over billions of methane gas producing bacteria rendering them DORMANT in the Arctic Sea, in the coastal lowlands of East and West Africa, wherever oil and gas are drilled, and in oil wells that are shut down and leaking methane gas. Japanese and United States satellites that measures methane gas give us metrics.
Taking DOMINION over lightening strikes. Extinguishing lightening sparks in seconds!! OUT!!! Before a wildfire is ignited. . .
Raise frigid temperatures to a tolerable level.
Shrink massive heatwaves to a comfortable 70-79 degrees F. (Three months ago, the Nile River was drying up. Prime time news said that one farmer killed himself’ because he could not water his crops. We filled the Nile River with Love, with the water of Grace. Now the Nile River is full and famine is averted.)
“Peace, be still” to high winds, Ultra-King waves, and earthquakes over a Magnitude 4. Low level quakes are good as they release tension from the Earth.
Lisa Garmon has a rare spiritual gift Ayurveda calls, “Support of Nature.” It is like a rare operatic voice. It is a gift of God. She did not fully understand this gift until her Pinnacle Coach at The Brave Thinking Institute, Dr. Kirsten Wells, a Fellow at the Institute of Coaching at Harvard Medical School, noticed that her greatest gift is her compassion for all life: for trees, birds, and other wildlife as well as humanity. Now that Lisa understands her gift, she can teach it to others. And she is. Study her new book “LOVE MORE FOR CLIMATE TRANSFORMATION: How to Stabilize Your Climate and Calm Your Earth.”
In Washington state, June of 2021, there was an unprecedented heatwave—a record 113 degrees!!! Going outside was like entering a furnace. On that day, the green-growing edges of the 100-year-old evergreen trees in beautiful parks turned brown and died.
Washington state meteorologists predicted an entire week of record breaking heatwaves at the end of August 2021, but because Lisa Garmon and a friend created a prayerful Vortex of Love —THIS DID NOT HAPPEN!! Their effort to save the trees worked!! The highest temperature reached that week was 99 degrees Fahrenheit on one day.
Working with her Vortex of Love, Lisa slashed massive heatwaves in Dallas, TX, Iran, and Sacramento, CA. in 2022 and in the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and Sardinia in 2023. Everything Lisa Garmon and her Vortex of Love do helps keep the Thwaites Glacier from melting. Thus far, Scientists of Hard Technology and Thought Leaders of Soft Technology, together, have managed to put the brakes on the Thwaites Glacier, the so-called “Doomsday Glacier."
A Dec. 10, 2022 article in The Daily KOS stated that if this glacier melts as anticipated, it will raise sea levels by 10' in 3–5 years. The article noted that the only reason this glacier has not melted is that the ocean water is cold. The ocean has been cold for thousands of years. And it is STILL COLD today because of thousands of people worldwide putting climate initiatives into practice. Collectively, you and Lisa Garmon are saving our beaches and coastal homes.The precious skill of disciplined imagery takes focus, passion, and stamina!! To stabilize our climate and calm our Earth, this intensive work must be done faithfully every day. You must generously compensate those who do it well. If you don’t, who will?

My Story
Lisa Garmon, "Influential Lioness" (D.I.S.C.O. Assessment 2022 given to Fortune 500 Executives) and Thought Leader Specializing in Climate and Earth Stability, Cultural Transformer, and Author, holds an undergraduate degree in English and Biology, and a master’s degree in Teaching (MAT) from Simmons College. Lisa was invited and attended Yale University for a semester as part of an experiment in co-education. A retired Wholistic Health Educator and Sex Educator, Lisa currently teaches how to grow in compassion for all life for climate and Earth stabilization..
Married to the same man for over fifty-two years, mother of two grown children and grandmother of two grandchildren, Lisa has been on a spiritual journey since age five when she first desired to be close to God. At age six, she spent an entire day silently visiting God. She sat on a rock on a hilltop in the sunshine looking through birch trees where she believed God was; miracles flowed. A lifelong learner, teacher and prayer partner, Lisa continues to study, meditate, and pray daily. She hopes her stories of the miracles in her life will inspire you..